Mental Health

A collection of 11 posts

"Mental Distress" vs. "Mental Illness": The Interplay of Self and Environment in Mental Health Conversations
"Mental Distress" vs. "Mental Illness": The Interplay of Self and Environment in Mental Health Conversations

Unlock holistic mental health – explore the link between self, environment, mental distress, and collective responsibility in 'Ceremony' by Leslie Marmon Silko. Discover how language shapes our view of well-being.

Social Media and Mental Health: 12 Game-Changing Steps to a Happier and Healthier Digital Life
Social Media and Mental Health: 12 Game-Changing Steps to a Happier and Healthier Digital Life

Uncover social media's impact on mental health – negatives like disrupted sleep and comparison stress, but also the benefits like connections and creativity. Take actionable steps for a healthier digital life and better well-being. Transform your relationship with social media today.

Famous Mental Health Advocates: Inspiring Change and Breaking the Stigma
Famous Mental Health Advocates: Inspiring Change and Breaking the Stigma

Discover renowned mental health advocates who are actively breaking the stigma around mental illness. These influential figures use their platforms to raise awareness, promote mental health advocacy, and inspire change.

Promiscuity as a Symptom: Unveiling Gender Bias in Mental Health
Promiscuity as a Symptom: Unveiling Gender Bias in Mental Health

The pathologization of female sexuality reflects societal biases and oppressive norms, impacting women's mental health. Promiscuity unfairly linked to mental disorders reveals a double standard. Despite gender equality progress, this view persists, requiring us to challenge harmful stereotypes.

Therapeutic Power of Writing Poetry: 5 Benefits for Your Mental Health
Therapeutic Power of Writing Poetry: 5 Benefits for Your Mental Health

The therapeutic benefits of poetry have been widely documented, with multiple studies recognizing poetry as an effective tool for mental health and emotional well-being. Here are five benefits of writing poetry for your mental health.

Language, Labels, and Reclaiming Mental Health: Reflections on the 2017 Reclaim Mental Health Conference
Language, Labels, and Reclaiming Mental Health: Reflections on the 2017 Reclaim Mental Health Conference

In this blog post, I reflect on my experience at the 2017 Reclaim Mental Health Conference and share some thoughts on the power of personal storytelling and the importance of language in mental health advocacy